PC Users:
How to Use and View Journey North
Video Clips


STEP 1: Decide if you'll watch clips from the Web site or download them to your computer.

Video files are very large. They can be opened directly from the Web site if you have a fast connection speed. But slow computers and Internet connections can make watching them in this way difficult or impossible.

If your connection is slow, try downloading the clips to your computer before using them. You can save clips on your computer's hard drive or you can burn them onto a CD. Once you have them, you can use them quickly and dependably in your classroom. See Download and Play Clip (below).

STEP 2: Download a Media Player (free) if you don't have it.

Most Journey North video clips have the ending .wmv and can be played only with Windows Media Player. (A few end in .rm and must be played with Real or Real One Player.)

If you don't have these on your computer, you can download them free. You will only need to download the software once. You'll use it with many Journey North video clips.

STEP 3: Option: Click and Play Clip

People using Windows with Internet Explorer and some versions of Netscape Navigator can view a video clip directly from the web by "left clicking" on the URL. Windows Media Player will open automatically and begin to play the video clip.

Option: Download and Play Clip

To download a video clip, "right click" over the URL. Choose "Save target as" or "Save link as" from the menu that appears. A dialog box will allow you to select the directory where you want to save the video file. Once the file is downloaded, you can open it from Windows Media Player. (Open the Windows Media Player and select “open” from the “File” menu.)