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Map Questions: Temperature Maps
1. How do temperatures compare across the Northern Hemisphere on November 10, 2011?
2. Can you locate gardens on both continents with similar temperatures?
Compare Temperatures Across Continents
Temperatures: North America
(United States)
Temperatures: Canada and Eurasia
us temps europe temps

Each map tells its own story. Study the colors in each map and the temperature key at the bottom.

  • What color represents the warmest temperatures on each map?
  • What color represents the coldest temperatures on each map?
  • Where are the warmest and coldest temperatures on each map?
    • Name the states, provinces, or countries for each category.
europe temps

Now, use the Journey North Tulip Garden maps to place an "x" on the European temperature map for each garden site in Europe. Then find gardens on the JN North American maps in a similar temperature. Write statements about what you discovered.



