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Snowflakes: "Tiny Miracles of Beauty"*
Meet Wilson Bentley. He is known as the Snowflake Man. He was born on a farm in Vermont in 1865. When he was a teenager he became interested in snow crystals (snowflakes). He wanted to capture them. He tried to draw what he saw by looking through an old microscope given to him by his mother, but the snowflakes were too complicated - and besides they melted before he got a chance to draw them! After a lot of work and experimenting he figured out a way to capture photographs of tiny snowflakes before they melted. Bentley was a scientist and he was an artist. After he published some of his work with snowflakes he was able to say that no two snowflakes were alike. (I bet you've heard that before!)

You can learn more about this man and his amazing story by reading, Snowflake Bentley, by Jacqueline Briggs Martin.

* Bentley liked to describe snowflakes as "tiny miracles of beauty."