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Garden Observations :
Week Ending April 1, 2010
  • 03/26/10 Bawllin, Missouri
    We have very few tulips this year. The class discussed the possible reasons for this. It could be the unusal amount of rain and cold that we have had this winter. Maybe it was our location. We plan to dig up a non-blooming bulb and look at it.
  • 03/31/10 Troy, New York
    The class went out to our Tulip Garden to see if any tulips had emerged. To our complete surprise, and absolute joy we discovered 20 young tulip plants springing up through the wet leaf-covered ground. One of our students, Kai, guessed the date.
  • 03/28/10 White Bear Lake, Minnesota
    Mixed emperors finally emerging. Planted about 3 weeks later than the Red Emperors. Red Emperors emerged 03/22/10 and now the Mixed are up on 03/28/10.
  • 03/24/10 Newtown Square, Pennsylvania
    It was a long winter with snow covering our garden. Then the rains came and finally on March 24th we were able to walk to our garden. The green leaves were standing tall throughout the garden. The average height was five to six inches tall. One was seven inches and two were just emerging at 2 inches.
  • 03/26/10 Murfreesboro, Tennessee
    The first of our tulips bloomed during our spring break. By Monday 16 of the 24 that we planted had bloomed. The high temperature during that week were in the 50's and we had some hard rain on 2 of those days. Our winter was colder than usual this year and we had several snowfalls. I believe the tulips bloomed week or 2 later this year.

For Your Journal:
Read each garden report. Think of questions you would ask about what they are seeing in their gardens.


Submit your thoughtful questions to
"Ask the Tulip Expert"

Starting Friday March 26