Waiting, Watching and Recording...
April 15: McLean, Virginia
Our tulips bloomed! Our official test bulbs emerged on 3/15/13 which is exactly one month before our blooming. Cool!
April 10: Silver Springs, Maryland
Fifth graders' garden bloomed in a flash when the temperatures soared to 20+ degrees above normal.
April 10: Vienna, Virginia
Preschoolers at Epiphany Preschool have been patiently waiting for their tulips to blossom. 04/10/13
April 10: Centreville, Virginia
Third graders reported,"We have had an exceptionally warm week (20+ degrees above normal) and our tulip flowers came up out of the ground and reached full bloom in a matter of just a few days."
- April 9: Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas
"Spring in Kansas has turned cold and rainy, but our tulips are beautiful!" wrote fourth graders.
"Our first bloom appeared the same day this year as in 2011. 04/09/13
April 9: Greenwood, South Carolina
Fourth graders wrote, "Of our two gardens, one in our 'pollinator garden' had tulips at several stages of bloom. The tulips we planted near our Principal's office were brilliant."
April 9: Alpine, Utah
Second Grade students measured emerging tulips and found an average height of 4 to 6 inches.
- Read all this week's Test Garden reports.
Photo: Alison Bauer
McLean, Virginia
Photo: Bob Esty
Silver Springs, MD
Photo: Karen Frick
Vienna, Virginia
Photo: Anne Marie Glawe
Greenwood, SC
Photo: Della Kurtzhals
Alpine Utah