classroom activities

by way of (0834llel@InforMNs.k12.MN.US)
Mon, 8 Dec 1997 16:29:06 -0600

 Hi this is what Mrs. Eigner's 6th grade class is doing.  We are researchng
the bald eagles.  The bald eagle is not actually bald it just has a white

        For our snow and ice experiment we decided to see what melted
faster.  Packed bid snow, packed small snow, big loose snow, and small
loose snow.  Small loose snow melted first.  Than big packed snow.  Than
small packed snow.  Than big loose.

        For our plant experiment we are going to see what grows faster.
Plants that are watered offen or plants that are watered every other day.

                     Mrs. Eigner's class

Ellen Eigner
6th grade teacher
Lily Lake Elementary
Stillwater, MN  55082