Classroom Activity/Monarch Butterflies

Elizabeth Donnelly (edonnelly@jriver.jriver.COM)
Mon, 8 Dec 1997 16:29:13 -0600

> From:
> Our Science Club participated in a butterfly relay at its last meeting.
> Students had to hold their anlkes and walk for the egg stage. For the
> caterpillar stage they had to lay on their stomachs on a skate board.
> They next had to wrap themselves in a beach towel and hang from the jungle
> gym for a a count of 10. Students unwrapped and pumped fluid into wings 10
> times. We then had them crawl over a slide (mountains of Mexicao) . They
> were rewarded with nectar (orange drink) that they had to drink with their
> Proboscis (straw). We had great time! The students also replanted our
> butterfly garden. It makes them feel very proprietary about butterflies.
> Janice Catledge