Computer Viruses

bernard butler (
Mon, 8 Dec 1997 16:29:14 -0600

Hello my name is Bernard Butler.  I go to Scotlandville Magnet High
School.  I'm doing a compter science project of computer viruses.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time and answer
these questions and e-mail your response to me.

1.  Have you ever had any computer viruses?  If so how many?
2.  How did you contract the virus?
3.  How dies a computer virus operate?
4.  What kind of damage does a computer virus cause?
5.  Have you ever voluntarily distributed  a computer virus?
6.  How do you feel about computer viruses?
7.  Describe a way in which you could prevent computer viruses?
8.  What are some good, efficient virus scanners?
9.  How you get rid of viruses in the memory?
10.  What are some major viruses you have heard of?

Thank you very much for answering these questions, ane please don't
forget to reply.