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Brian and Ginette Ricketts (bgrick@voyager.newcomm.net)
Tue, 02 Jul 1996 21:06:11 -0230

TO whom it may concern,

HI My name is Ginette,and this was my First year growing Tulips, and to
my suprise they all blommed! They were a beauitful dusty rose color.

Now all the pettles have fallen off,and all thats left is their stems,it
definately dosn't look that great among all my other flowers. I was wondering if I could
just cut off the stems now ? or is there a correct proceedure to ensure that they will
come back next spring ?
-Yours Truly
| Brian & Ginette Ricketts \ __ -====-
| (709) 256-8761 \ |=\___v_|__|_\/
| 102 Bennett Drive \_____|_______|__|_||
| Gander, NF, A1V 1N6 / ' | | /\
| bgrick@newcomm.com / -====-

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