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Cheri Rettberg (atfirst@earthlink.net)
Fri, 09 Aug 96 14:58:59 -0700

My wife, listed above, and myself have delveloped a website
dedicated to scuba diving and related topics. I would like to
learn how to get in contact with Anne Smciana to discuss be
contacted when she writes additional articles related to whales
or any sea life.

We have an area on our site that is dedicated to whales,
sharks, dolphins, marine reserves, parks, and ecology. We
currently have the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
linked under marine reserves. We will be adding a link to
Journey North both under our reserve site and the whales. I am
really exicted to see information on turtles and we begin
working on an area dedicated to them. Your information will be
one of the first links included.

Our site is located at: http://scubawizard.com

It is assesible if you include the www prior to the name but it
is not required.

I look forward to discussing further ideas with Anne Smciana in
the area of articles she may have previously written or will be
writing in the future. Previous artilces would be appreciated
to be able to be included in our site with fully authorship
recognization and links to your site or E-mail links for people
could ask questions.

The Journey North site is outstanding and represents what the
Internet is really all about. A means for people to learn and
communicate with each other throughout the world.


Ed Rettberg

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