Chuck's Weekly Birding Report #4


Dear Journey North flock of birders,

11 - 15 April 2020


As soon as this cold spell passes it looks like the weather will be warming up and become more spring-like. I also hope you might be seeing some new birds.

Every day I have been seeing more and more Yellow-rumped Warblers (YRWAs). Unfortunately for me, the YRWAs have been feeding on insects high in the canopy of the trees. This has caused an annual case of warbler neck. Argh! On Tuesday, however, even though the weather was cold and windy, it knocked a lot of the YRWAs down to eye level and even to the ground making them so much easier to see and enjoy. I saw about 15 YRWAs and 6 Ruby-crowned Kinglets. The only other warbler that has been seen in the Arboretum this week has been a Pine Warbler: I did not hear it nor did I see it but hope to soon.

More warbler species should be coming very soon.

Tree Swallows are building in numbers. I have also seen Northern Rough-winged Swallows and others, but not me, are beginning to see Barn Swallows. Many more of them should be arriving to build nests under the eaves on the south side of the Visitor Center.

In the sparrow category, there are many Song Sparrow in the Arboretum. They are singing all the time. Chipping Sparrows are just arriving and increasing in numbers. A few Field Sparrows are calling from the prairie. Swamp Sparrows can be found hiding in the cattails too.

Eastern Phoebes are becoming more frequent and usually, a couple Phoebes will nest under the marsh boardwalk. We had a Hermit Thrush stay all winter but now the migrating Hermit Thrushes are passing through the Arboretum. Look for them eating along the wooded paths.

A couple Brown Thrashers have been seen in the Arboretum.

Good Birding to you all,


Journey North is a program of the University of Wisconsin, Madison Arboretum. Journey North could not have found a better home than the Arboretum with whom we share the same vision: to be “a global source of knowledge of and a model for restoring ecologically sustainable relationships between people and the land through integrative, innovative, and collaborative approaches in science, stewardship, education, and public engagement.” We hope you share this vision as well and continue to be a part of our Journey North community. Chuck Henrikson, like other Journey North participants, loves to share his love of birds and place through his birding reports and photos. We hope you enjoy these reports as well as learn more about the UW-Madison Arboretum, Journey North’s new home.