Chuck's Weekly Birding Report

September 23, 2020 by Team Journey North

What species is Chuck observing? Find out in his latest birding report from Journey North's home base, the UW-Madison Arboretum.

Song Sparrow at UW–Madison Arboretum. Photo: Chuck Henrikson

Chuck Henrikson’s Birding Report From UW–Madison Arboretum

"Warbler migration is almost at its end. The clue for that is the arrival of Yellow-rumped Warblers. They are the first to arrive in the spring and the last to leave in the fall. I saw a high of 23 Yellow-rumped Warblers last Saturday. I was hoping to see about 30 species of Warblers this fall. I actually felt good about seeing 24 species especially since some of those species have very different, mostly drab, plumages in the fall making them difficult to identify." Read Chuck's Weekly Birding Report #27.

Weekly Forecasts for Migrating Songbirds: February to May 2021

Dr. Aborn's Weekly Weather Forecasts for Migrating Songbirds reports will return in February 2021. Learn how to read a weather map from a songbird’s point of view and discover how to use the maps to predict when you will see songbirds: Map Primer: How to Read a Weather Map from a Songbird’s Point of View