More Species Arriving

April 28, 2021 by Team Journey North

May is at the doorstep. Peak migration has arrived in certain areas and will move north over the coming weeks. What migratory bird species are you observing? Report to Journey North.

"As of yesterday I have 8 migrating Rose-breasted Grosbeaks at my feeders. 6 males and 2 females! Most I've ever had here. They are eating black oil sunflower seeds." Photo by: Diana (Schriever, LA; 04/20/2021)

Weather Forecasts for Migrating Songbirds

Another big fallout along the Gulf Coast! Dr. Aborn shares details on what species were reported.

"Last week, I mentioned that the weather was setting up for another big fallout along the Gulf Coast – and that’s what happened on Thursday (4/22). After the front moved through, storms and north winds forced migrating birds to land in big numbers. Indigo Buntings and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were particularly numerous. There were also many Blackburnian Warblers, Bay-breasted Warblers, and Hooded Warblers."

Read more of Weather Forestcasts for Migrating Songbirds #7

Chuck Henrikson’s Birding Report 

Farther north at Journey North's home base, the UW–Madison Arboretum, Chuck Henrikson shares news of arriving shorebirds and warblers.

"Bird migration is beginning to pick up in two main areas; the arrival of more and varied shorebirds and the arrival of more species of warblers. Both of these categories are Dane County-wide species. New shorebirds include Black-necked Stilt, Dunlin, Wilson’s Phalarope, Spotted Sandpiper, Solitary Sandpiper, American Golden Plover, Marbled Godwit, Long-billed Dowitcher and Willet. New warblers include Palm Warbler, Pine Warbler, Northern Waterthrush, Black-and-white Warbler and Orange-crowned Warbler."

Read more of Chuck Henrikson's birding report #58 

Journey North Species

Baltimore Oriole and Bullock's Oriole

After a slow period of migration due to persistent northerly winds and cool temperatures, observations of Baltimore Orioles are picking up, particularly in the Midwest.

Annemarie in Milwaukee, WI: "1st male [Baltimore] Oriole sighting this year. A week earlier than the previous 2 years for us." (04/27/2021)

Jonathan in Bolingbrook, IL: "Male and female [Baltimore] Oriole arrived just today. Feeders been up for a week. This arrival is about 4 days earlier than last year." (04/28/2021)

Kathy in Saline, MI: "Spotted a male and female [Baltimore Oriole] at our jelly feeders. Only got picture of the male before they left." (04/28/2021)

In Nevada, Bullock's Orioles are feeding on a beloved menu item: grape jelly.

Carol in Fallon, NV: "Two first of season Bullock's Oriole males. Came to eat grape jelly at one of our many jelly feeders." (04/25/2021)

Barn Swallow

In Wisconsin and Ontario, Barn Swallows are returning to familiar sites.

Megan in Town of Eagle, WI: "Caught them flying into the barn. Had 2 active nests last year. So happy to see them back!" (04/26/2021)

Jerome in Chatham-Kent, ON: "First [Barn Swallow] sighting was just prior to sunset tonight... A couple pairs annually nest on various elevated fixtures around John McGregor Secondary School." (04/27/2021)

Common Loon

As spring progresses and ice-out events expand northward, more Journey North observers in Canada are joyfully welcoming back Common Loons. Some observers have been tracking Common Loons at the same location for decades!

Kathy in Seguin, ON: "The Loon Pair have returned! And it happens that our first sighting this year is the exact same day as last year! We are not sure how many years this pair have returned to the lake but we are sure this pair are the parents of our 1st sighted loon of this year we shall call The Wounded Warrior! This lake has been home to a pair of loons since the late 50's from our recollections, so we are quite pleased to see the return of The Pair! We thank Journey North for a vehicle to continue recording our sightings." (04/23/2021)

Red-Winged Blackbird

Now that many Red-winged Blackbirds have arrived to breeding territories, what are you observing? Any territorial or nesting behavior? Please report your observations to Journey North.

Elizabeth in Edmonton, AB: "[Red-winged Blackbird] back at the pond!" (04/24/2021)

Keep Reporting and Include Photos

Keep reporting Red-winged Blackbird, Barn Swallow, Baltimore and Bullock’s Oriole, and Common Loon observations to Journey North. And if you observe other bird species, please report under the category All Other Signs of Spring. If possible, include photos in your reports. Photos help verify reports and we enjoy sharing them with our Journey North community!