Summer Solstice

June 20, 2021 by Team Journey North

Summer is officially here. Today is the longest day and shortest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Please report and share your daylight length and signs of the season. What changes have you noticed this past month?

Photo by: Howard in Girdwood, AK


Report your photoperiod on the 20th of every month, and on each equinox and solstice. Track changes in daylight over the course of the year on the daylight map. Explore how daylight length changes in your part of the world as the Earth revolves around the Sun.

Signs of Summer

Hot and humid weather, lush vegetation, and flourishing wildlife: summer has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere. What are you observing? 

Judy in Newport News, VA: "Monarch Waystation #271 reports [belatedly] Sunrise 5:53 am, sunset 8:11 pm and another wave of blooms on both sides of the townhouse. The first Purple milkweed blooms opened up front and began pumping their unique sweet scent." (05/20/2021)

Amy in Newburgh, IN: "A pair of American Goldfinches. They can’t even wait until the cone flowers bloom." (06/09/2021)

Cathleen in Fairfield, PA: "1st firefly seen blinking away in a tree." (06/14/2021)

How to Participate

  • Report you daylight length for June 20, 2021.

How to Report your Day Length (Photoperiod)

Step 1: Look up your sunrise/sunset on the 20th of every month.

Step 2: Calculate the length of time between sunrise and sunset. 

Step 3: Report your daylight length on the 20th of every month.

Step 4: Explore the Daylight map and compare your part of the world with other locations as the Earth revolves around the Sun.