
Nancy Sheehan

Nancy A Sheehan (she/her/hers)

Program Coordinator (full-time)

Salut! Greetings! ¡Hola! It feels like yesterday when I took over the helm of Journey North from founder and director, Elizabeth Howard. I am honored to be a part of this transnational community committed to telling the migration story by recording observational data to Journey North. Thank you for being a part of this citizen science program.

Nancy has worked at the intersection of science, outreach and adventure education for more than three decades. She believes in the collective power of individuals working together to create change for the good and, to this day, remains passionate about volunteerism, community science and participatory research.  

Nancy is a native of Washington, D.C. where she remembers exploring the woods and streams of Rock Creek National Park, a hidden green gem in a sprawling metropolitan region. From the hills of Pennsylvania and the coastal plains of Connecticut, Maryland, and North Carolina to the Sahel of the Senegambia region, Nancy now calls Madison, WI home. 

Nancy has pursued interdisciplinary studies combining the political and legal with ecology and forestry. Nancy has a master’s at the Yale School of the Environment with a focus on social forestry. After serving with U.S. Peace Corps with the Department of Forestry in Gambia, West Africa, and pursuing a career in international development, she returned to academia at the UW–Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies where she conducted participatory land tenure research in West Africa. Before assuming this leadership position with Journey North in 2018, Nancy managed various citizen science projects for non-profit organizations and educational centers.

As a certified canoe instructor and outdoor adventure educator, Nancy loves to be outside canoeing lakes, kayaking rivers, and wilderness backpacking. But, more often than not, you will find her walking her dog with family and friends.

Nancy joined Journey North in 2018.