Spring Progresses

April 7, 2023 by Team Journey North

Signs of spring are spreading across North America. What seasonal changes are you observing in your area?

Fringe Tree
Meghan in Newport News, VA (03/28/2023)

Tracking Phenological Events

Phenology measures the timing of life cycle or seasonal biological events in organisms, such as migrations, flowering, leaf-out, egg laying, and hibernation. Scientists who study phenology are interested in the timing of biological events as they relate to changes in season and climate. The observational reports submitted by volunteers like you contribute to this important data.

Cara in Flower Mound, TX: "One of two Mallard eggs next to a Friendship Salvia in a monarch garden. She returned each day to lay more eggs (6 so far). She also moved them further under the plant and covered them with pieces of bark and leaves." (03/26/2023)

Linda in Lampe, MO: "First Eastern Tiger Swallowtail seen in the afternoon. Also the Tree Swallows are back. Purple Martins arrived back at the martin condo on the 26th." (03/29/2023)

Meghan in Newport News, VA: "tulip poplar" (03/28/2023)

Carla in Altura, MN: "The sap is running on a farm near Goodhue Mn. They have canned 70 pints of syrup." (03/27/2023)

Report Your Phenological Observations

What seasonal changes are you observing? Please report these to Journey North using the reporting category, All Other Signs of Spring, and see more reports of spring on the map.

April is Citizen Science Month!

At Journey North, we celebrate our volunteers who submit thousands of observational reports about migratory species and seasonal changes in our various project categories. Join us this month — and all year long — by reporting your observations to Journey North!