Autumn Transformations & Movement

September 29, 2023 by Team Journey North

As the days grow shorter and a gentle chill creeps into the air for many regions of North America, Journey North volunteers are sharing their favorite signs of the fall season. What are you observing in your area? Please share your report with us!

"Seeing Blaze Maples starting to turn colors, 3 days ago went from 3 hummingbirds to 15,
pelicans migrating across lake"
Photo: James in Kemp, TX (09/04/2023)

Summer's warmth is waning in many regions of the continent. Tree leaves are transforming into a vibrant tapestry of reds, oranges, and yellows before falling to the ground. Flocks of winged travelers are embarking on their remarkable journeys to warmer destinations. Journey North observers are sharing the unmistakable signs that herald the arrival of fall for them.

Joanna in Burlington, WI: "Maples are changing color. Flocks of robins in our yard have moved on. Our resident Sandhill Cranes and colt are done practicing take off and landings and have journeyed south and pray they return in April again. Only a few hummingbirds remain as they usually leave about the same time as the cranes. Still have eight turkeys displaying and figuring out who's the boss. Though they did get spoken to when chasing the cranes. Hackberry trees are dropping berries by the bucket load. Gypsy moth caterpillar egg masses are ready to remove and White pines are turning yellow as well as the Dawn Redwoods." (09/13/2023)

Beverly in Houston, TX: "Our first fall return of Baltimore Oriole 1 p.m. Then found sugar water feeder nectar next to trellis that has out a week after first female Orchard Oriole visited us a week ago." (09/17/2023)

Cori in Chelmsford, MA: "Colder nights turning red maples early. This change appears about a week or so early this year." (09/23/2023)

Mark in Minnesota Lake, MN: "Large eastward and SE migration of Northern Flickers in A.M.  A kettle of 27 Turkey Vultures following the the Cobb River wooded route.  After the wind shifted to SE, a major migration of MANY hawk varieties began for over 2 hours." (09/23/2023)

Ken in Magrath, AB: "I was birding in the Magrath Nature Area this morning and saw two late-migrating Mountain Bluebirds. A sure sign of fall." (09/26/2023)

Thank you for reporting your signs of the season to Journey North using the reporting category, Signs of Fall!

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