Observing Seasonal Changes

March 10, 2023 by Team Journey North

The days are slowly getting longer in the Northern Hemisphere – and the Spring Equinox is a little over a week from now. What signs of spring are you noticing?

Photo: Ginger in Sinking Spring, PA (03/04/2023)

Tracking Phenological Events

Phenology is the study of the seasonal timing of life cycle events. One studies phenology when recording the date a certain plant grows, a tree’s leaves emerge, an insect hatches, or a migratory bird appears on its nesting grounds. Factors such as daylength, temperature, and rainfall influence the dates on which events occur each year.

Energy from the sun is increasing, temperatures are rising, ice is melting, and plant growth is beginning. Journey North observers are sharing cyclic, phenological events of flora and fauna that indicate the changing of the seasons in their areas.

Julie in Hudson, MI: “CROCUS, first sighting. In my yard.” (03/01/2023)

Michael in Fremont, WI: “Sandhill crane couple out in neighbors field!” (03/02/2023)

Cindy in Chattanooga, TN: Lots of tiny red bee balm have popped up in my pollinator garden.” (03/01/2023)

Lea in Forest Hills, MI: “Students in the Environmental Club at Forest Hills Central Middle School tapped 5 maple trees this afternoon. The sap was running in all of them!” (02/07/2023)

Tedd in New Kensington, PA: “First Forsythia blooming multiple locations. Little green leaves on roadside brush bushes. Saw first daffodil blooms, A Magnolia tree with very large buds. A groundhog roadkill. Hydrangea activity forming at ground level. Deer pulling up tulip bulbs by the leaves while foraging. Some slight greening of the lawn and grass discoloration under trash bin. a first sighting of a Dandelion.” (03/02/2023)

Please report your sign of spring to Journey North using the reporting category, All Other Signs of Spring.  

If you tap maple syrup, report your first tapping dates using the reporting category, Maple Syrup (FIRST Sap Run).  

See more reports of spring from Journey North observers on the All Other Signs of Spring map and Maple Syrup (FIRST Sap Run) map. 

Welcome Spring!