Summer Solstice

June 21, 2023 by Team Journey North

Summer is officially here. Today is the longest day and shortest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. What seasonal changes have you noticed this past month?

Photo by: Howard in Girdwood, AK

Signs of Summer

Hot weather, growing vegetation, and active wildlife: summer has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere. What are you observing?

Lisa in Bellevue, NE: "Hello bird people. Have been weeding my garden. Still have a lot of work to do. I grow lots of salvia for the hummingbirds. Had to put in a new butterfly bush as the old one died. Winters can be hard here. Monarchs came and laid eggs on the milkweed. Grow dill but only saw one black swallowtail. Baby downy has been fallowing mom all over the yard. Good birding and good gardening." (06/14/2023)

Amy in Newburgh, IN: "Spring is winding down. A family of 5 juvenile Bluebirds came to the birdbath. First day of summer is just a few days away." (06/19/2023)

For reporting purposes, Journey North has two seasons — spring and fall. Please continue to report your signs of the season to Journey North in the All Other Signs of Spring category, and keep reporting your other observations in the various Journey North project categories as well.

Thank you for sharing your phenology and migration reports with our Journey North community. We appreciate learning and observing together!