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Weather and Songbird Migration
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Get ready for spring migration! Early arrivals were spotted in the southern US, but northward progress has been delayed by weather. Time to brush up on bird ID skills while we wait for migration to pick up speed!

Get ready for spring migration! Early arrivals were spotted in the southern US, but northward progress has been delayed by weather. Time to brush up on bird ID skills while we wait for migration to pick up speed!

Weather Forecasts Indicate Slow Spring Migration

March 14, 2024 by Nancy Sheehan, Program Coordinator

Dr. David Aborn returns to provide insights on weather patterns and songbird migration patterns. In this update, we also cover what our volunteers are reporting on Barn Swallows, Red-winged Blackbirds, Common Loons, Orioles, and Eagles.

Dr. David Aborn returns to provide insights on weather patterns and songbird migration patterns. In this update, we also cover what our volunteers are reporting on Barn Swallows, Red-winged Blackbirds, Common Loons, Orioles, and Eagles.

Winter Sightings

January 23, 2024 by Nancy Sheehan, Program Coordinator

Keep a look out!

Keep a look out!


How Do Loons Sleep?

Due to the extreme rear placement of their legs on their bodies, loons are slow, clumsy, and therefore vulnerable when they are on land. Because of this, they only come up on land when it is absolutely necessary, such as when they are nesting or when they are injured or ill. The rest of their time is spent on the water—including when they sleep! How, when, and where do loons sleep?

Birds on the Move Again

August 14, 2023 by Team Journey North

The journey south begins.

The journey south begins.
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