Birds on the Move Again

August 14, 2023 by Team Journey North

The journey south begins.

Photo: Cheryl in Lac du Flambeau, WI (07/31/2023)

Fall Migration Has Begun

The breeding season is coming to a close in many parts of the U.S. and Canada. Fall migration has begun. Some birds, like the Orchard Orioles, will have almost all departed their breeding range by late August. Swallows are starting to amass at staging sites. It has been a busy spring and summer. Now it is time for migratory birds to return to their non-breeding ranges.  

With Gratitude

The summer droughts that persisted in many parts of North America have made it challenging for people and birds alike. Thank you for planting and tending habitats that sustain birds during the breeding season and that provide food and water during fall migration.

And thank you for participating in tracking the migration of various songbirds, a diver, and one raptor with Journey North. 

A Selection of Volunteer-Submitted Photos From Spring 2023