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April 15, 2022 by Team Journey North

Spring migration can be a stop-and-go journey with weather in control. Dr. David Aborn provides an update on migration throughout the U.S. Chuck Henrikson shares his latest birding report from Journey North's home base, the UW–Madison Arboretum. What birds are you noticing? Report your observations to Journey North.

"Nice sign of Spring! Male Eastern Towhee singing away." Bernice in Mountain Top, PA (04/15/2022)

Weather Forecasts for Migrating Songbirds

It's been a stormy start to spring across much of the U.S. How is this impacting bird migration and what is the weather outlook over the coming days?

"The current storm system will force any migrants in the Midwest and South to land, and after the front passes, they will be grounded a few more days due to strong north winds. Birders in the Great Plains and South should see a nice assortment of migrants that are grounded there, but farther north there won’t be many of them. Out west, conditions are good right now with clear skies and southerly winds, so birders should see lots of activity . . . There does not appear to be another system moving in from the Pacific –  people and birds may finally get a break from the stormy weather!"

Read more of Dr. David Aborn's 2022 Weather Forecasts for Migrating Songbirds #4»

Chuck Henrikson’s Birding Report

Farther north, what species is Chuck observing? Find out in his latest birding report from Journey North’s home base, the UW–Madison Arboretum.

"Today when I birded in the Arboretum I hit the jackpot! I always hope that I can find some good birds to put in the bird report but often it doesn’t happen. Today I got lucky. I found three first of year birds . . . The first one I saw was an Eastern Meadowlark . . . The next new bird I saw was a Barn Swallow . . . Next I walked out onto the main path heading south on Curtis Prairie and saw two Wilson’s Snipes fly off to the north."

Read more of Chuck Henrikson’s birding report #108»

Journey North Species

Baltimore and Bullock’s Oriole

The pace of Baltimore Oriole migration is still slow but activity should pick up over the coming weeks. Reports are starting to trickle in from the Midwest.

Donna Jo in Westport, IL: "1 male Baltimore Oriole on woodpecker cake feeder." (04/12/2022)

No new reports of Bullock’s Orioles. Identifying oriole species can be difficult. Photos always help. In Texas, one volunteer shared a photo of what is perhaps a Hooded Oriole. Based on the photo, what do you think?

Laurel in Corpus Christi, TX: "First oriole. I'm waiting for the flocks of Buntings." (04/13/2022)

Barn Swallows

Barn Swallows have an extensive range. It was just a few weeks ago that most reports were concentrated in Texas. Now, they are already as far North as the Upper Midwest and British Columbia.

Allan in Abbotsford, BC: "Saw the first barn swallow of the year this morning at 9. It was flying back forth over the hay field out back." (04/11/2022)

Jennifer in Madison, WI: "Saw my first barn swallow today at the Arboretum." (04/13/2022)

Common Loon

The Northeast remains a hotspot for Common Loons, and reports are picking up in the Upper Midwest as well.

Carolyn in Nottingham, NH: "Couple together all day in Mountain Cove, Pawtuckaway Lake." (04/08/2022)

Sheila in Lake Shore, MN: "This loon was spotted near the fishing dock by the bridge on Interlachen Rd. It was later observed in the Lost Lake Channel on Upper Gull near the artificial nesting platform. I hear him yodeling from the nesting territory on 4/11, 4/12, and 4/13. The lakes are still frozen hard but the channels are opening." (04/10/2022)

Red-Winged Blackbird

Red-winged Blackbirds continue to move north into Canada.

Ken in Lethbridge, AB: "This was my first sighting of one in Lethbridge although I have heard of other sightings during the past few days." (04/09/2022)

April is Citizen Science Month!

In just a couple of years, Citizen Science Month has grown from a single day of events, to a coordinated effort supported by SciStarter, the National Library of Medicine, Arizona State University, the Citizen Science Association, Science Friday, National Geographic, and many other collaborators from around the world. Citizen Science Month encompasses online events and opportunities to contribute to citizen science initiatives from home. This April, Journey North celebrates our volunteers and encourages others to join this important effort. Watch our Journey North video to learn how to participate.