Celebrating Birds

January 1, 2022 by Team Journey North

This spring, help track the migration of birds.

Help Us Track The Migration of Birds 

Journey North citizen scientists help track the migration of Barn Swallow, Baltimore and Bullock's Orioles, Red-winged Blackbirds, and Common Loons. We highlight the movement of these species within our Weather and Songbirds news updates. 

What to Report in the Spring? 

1. Your First Observation of a Barn Swallow in Spring:

For swallows, long-distance migration is like a typical day. A Barn Swallow may fly 600 miles a day capturing insects to eat. Announce the news when Barn Swallows return from their wintering grounds in South America.

Reporting category: Barn Swallow (FIRST sighted)

2. Your First Observation of a Baltimore or Bullock's Oriole in Spring

When Baltimore Oriole return this spring, they will have completed a round-trip journey from Central America. Citizen scientists are invited to report first-of-year observations of Baltimore and Bullock's Orioles. 

Reporting category: Oriole (1st Baltimore)

Reporting category: Oriole (1st Bullock's)

3. Your First Observation of a Common Loon in Spring

Reporting category: Loon (FIRST sighted)

Chuck Henrikson’s Birding Reports

Chuck Henrikson shares his love of birds by writing weekly birding reports These reports are a pleasure to read anytime of the year and his photographs are a feast for the eyes. Chuck leads birding adventures at Journey North’s home base, the UW–Madison Arboretum.

Weekly Forecasts for Migrating Songbirds: February to May 2022

Dr. Aborn's Weekly Weather Forecasts for Migrating Songbirds reports will return in February 2022. Learn how to read a weather map from a songbird’s point of view and discover how to use the maps to predict when you will see songbirds: Map Primer: How to Read a Weather Map from a Songbird’s Point of View