As Spring Turns to Summer

June 9, 2023 by Team Journey North

This is the final American Robin news update for spring 2023. Thank you for following along and sharing your observations. Please keep reporting nesting behavior and other observations of American Robins throughout the summer months.

Photo: Cheryl in Monongahela, PA (05/03/2023)

Spring Winds Down, Summer Arrives

The 2023 spring migration season is coming to an end. We hope these migration updates have provided you a sense of joy and wonder. Please know that your reports provide valuable information and paint a real-time picture of migration as American Robins migrate northward, establish territories, build nests, and rear clutches of eggs. Thank you for following along and sharing your observations.

Signs of Nesting Season Abound

Nesting behavior is still being widely reported. Keep your eyes peeled for nests, eggs, nestlings, and fledglings!

Rebecca in Hudsonville, MI: ". . . a robin has nested by our garage. Eggs hatched 2-3 days ago! Momma bird is back and forth feeding them." (05/28/2023)

 Susan in Holden, MA: "This is the last nestling left in the nest which had three. The other two fledged earlier on this same day. . ." (05/31/2023)

Laura in Elizabethtown, KY: ". . .They keep coming to where the ground is wet from the flower pots leaking water and pulling up muddy bits of dead grass for their nest. My dog and I are very close and they don't seem to mind in the least." (06/03/2023)

Summer Reporting

While news updates are ending for the season, you can still report nesting behavior and general observations of American Robins until the end of July. You can also participate in other Journey North projects such as monarch butterflies and hummingbirds throughout early summer.