Greeting The New Year With Hummingbirds

January 5, 2023 by Team Journey North

Hummingbirds help to ring in the new year.

Anna's hummingbird taking off after an intruder. (photo: Marjorie in Tucson, AZ on 12/21/2022)

Happy New Year 

We welcome 2023 and celebrate all our volunteers who submit observations for the Journey North Hummingbird Project.

Where are hummingbirds now? Your observational reports provide critical information about hummingbirds during the winter months. Please keep reporting your observations. We welcome sightings from Mexico and Central America and across the U.S. and Canada during the months of January and February.

December and January Hummingbird Happenings

Anna's hummingbirds observed as far north as Washington State in the US. Rufous and Ruby-throated hummingbirds seen across the Gulf states and into North Carolina. Many observers have been captivated by rare sightings of Rufous and Allen's hummingbirds as far north as New York State and Massachusetts. 

Enjoy this slideshow featuring photos submitted by Journey North observers. 

Not Seeing Hummingbirds?

If you don't see any hummingbirds in your area, you can explore various Journey North hummingbird migration maps to learn where hummingbirds are being observed. You can also brush up on your hummingbird identification skills and explore information on hummingbird migration and annual cycles.