Peak Migration Happening

April 27, 2023 by Team Journey North

Photo: Linda in Logan, UT (04/12/2023)

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

From the Midwest to the Northeast, Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have made significant progress north since last week’s update. Warmer weather is projected in the coming weeks promising the last big surge of migrating Ruby-throated Hummingbirds.

The Atlantic Flyway has been very active with one observation of a Ruby-throated Hummingbird in Nova Scotia. Many observers in southern regions of Canada are still waiting for their first observations. Will these first sightings happen soon? 

Jane in Musquodoboit Harbour, NS: "Seen at 7 pm. 1 female." (04/21/2023) 

For the Mississippi Flyway, the leading edge of migration is hovering around latitude 44°N with Ruby-throated Hummingbirds not yet reaching northern Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. 

Kristie in Saline, MI: "First Ruby throated hummingbird (male) at my feeder. (04/22/2023)

Rufous Hummingbird

Rufous Hummingbirds continue to move north along the Pacific Coast up to British Columbia and Alaska. Many Journey North observers are still waiting for Rufous Hummingbirds to head inland into Idaho and Montana. Some observers are seeing nesting behaviors. 

Kathleen in Coldstream, BCFirst Rufous of the season. One week later than previous years."  (04/26/2023)

Mary Jo in Elfin Cove, AK: "1 male was seen across the bay by my neighbors on 4/19/23.1 new male appeared at our feeder today as our blueberries bloomed." (04/23/2023)

Brenda in West Vancouver, BC: "Two adult female rufous visiting feeder, nectaring from flowers and collecting nesting material." (04/26/2023)

Other Species

Reports of Broad-tailed Hummingbirds are on the rise in Colorado. Calliope Hummingbirds are making their way through Montana, Idaho, and British Columbia. And Black-chinned Hummingbirds are being spotted in northern Nevada. So many species on the move!

John in Fort Collins, CO: "Heard 2 broadtail males making a racket in the yard and one now perched guarding feeder. Long hard winter in CO this year." (04/21/2023)

Jacky in Elizabeth, CO: "First Broad-tailed hummingbird of the season." (04/26/2023)

Pam in Kamiah, ID"1st calliope male at the feeder." (04/17/2023)

Feeders Out and Pollinator Habitats Needed

Finding abundant food and water is crucial during the spring migration of hummingbirds. Migration is energy-draining, and hummingbirds burn through fat reserves quickly. Your pollinator gardens and hummingbird feeders provide needed energy to recharge hungry hummingbirds. Let us know from which plants hummingbirds are nectaring using the reporting category: Hummingbirds, Nectaring From Flowers

Gregory in Clearwater, FL: "She hung around all day. Mostly nectaring and occasionally the feeder." (04/23/2023)

Diana in Norman, OK: "I have seen at least one male and one female Ruby Throat feeding at the coral honeysuckle, and salvias in my gardens. Also visiting the nectar feeders." (04/26/2023)

Call For Photos

If possible, please include photos in your reports. Photos are always helpful; they aid in identification and shed light on behavior. However, hummingbirds are not always cooperative subjects. One potential workaround is to take a video and then extract a screenshot to use as a photo. Give it a try!

Learn more in the tutorials below: Android Tutorial | Apple Tutorial

What To Report

Learn more about what to include in your hummingbird observational reports>>