Excitement Building As Monarchs Near Angangueo, Michoacán

October 31, 2019 by Team Journey North

Only days until monarchs reach overwintering sanctuaries.

Awaiting the arrival of monarchs in time for the Día De Los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. Photo by: Estela Romero Vazquez

"It's a Wrap" in Northern Areas

Sightings along the Great Lakes have dwindled. Only a few late migrants are being reported along the Atlantic Coast. 

From the Tip at Point Pelee National Park: Journey North citizen scientist, Darlene Burgess, provided this report: "After a few days of very strong westerly wind stalling the Monarch Migration...No Monarchs seen except one that arrived from the north at around 5:30 pm...Fri Oct 25th will again be a good migration day with light northerly wind. Temps decreasing to 11-13°c for the weekend again with strong wind. It's a wrap for the season here at Point Pelee National Park!" (10/24/2019)

From Ocean Beach NY: Ellen noted, "25 Late flyers came in yesterday, mild north winds, 65 degrees, they were very thirsty. Nectar is as important as milkweed! Plant, plant, plant! Helps them fly, fly, fly!” (10/24/2019)

Crossing To Mexico From Florida, Alabama and Other Gulf States

From Point Clear, AL: Brian reported seeing "At least 500, likely more. Monarchs were swarming bottle brush planted at the Grand Hotel, a row as this spot in particular. They stage here every fall as they work their way toward the Gulf of Mexico. (10/24/2019) Link to report

From Crawfordville, FL: Arrived to St Mark’s Wildlife Refuge lighthouse at 2 pm. Counted about 45 right around the St. Mark’s lighthouse on Golden Rod and other flowers. Counted at least 25 or more flying across highway 98 while traveling west towards the refuge. (10/27/2019)

Fall Roosts In Mexico 

From Piedras Negras, Coahuila de Zaragoza: Armando reported, "200 Con el frente frio desde temprano estaban en los arboles." (10/25/2019) 

[Translation: 200 With the cold front from early on they were in the trees.]

From Santa Catarina, NLE: Elsa commented, "Correo Real group reported strong flow of monarchs in Santa Catarina, N.L. so in the afternoon we went to see them at the Huasteca Canyon. There were butterflies flying very high and others flying very low, and to our surprise at 5:00 pm we found a patch of 6 trees with fall roost, they were mesquites (Prosopis glandulosa), anacahuitas (Cordia boissieri), granjenos (Celtis pallida) and others, in a place more or less protected from the strong wind of the Canyon. Hard to calculate the amount, I think it was probably around 2000." (10/28/2019)

Kilometers Away

From Victoria, TAM: Sandra Acosta reported at 18:00 horas. "Cientos de Monarcas atraviesan la ciudad. Observó 90-110 por minuto. 20°C, mayormente nublado, viento 19 km/h."  (10/25/2019) Courtesy of Correo Real. Link to report

[Translation: Sandra Acosta reported, "Hundreds of Monarchs cross the city. Watched 90-110 per minute. 20 ° C, mostly cloudy, wind 19 km / h."]

From Tequisquiapan, QUE: Naiomi noted, "Lots of monarchs [maybe 500] flying over Granja Residénciales in Tequisquiapan. Many roosted in a pirul tree. Large groups should be arriving to the reserves in the next 48 hours. (10/28/2019)  Link to report

From Alaquines, SLP: Gustavo Martínez reported an estimate of 3000 monarchs. "Flujo constante de 50 mariposas por minuto volando de norte a sur, día soleado." (10/29/2019)  Courtesy of Correo Real. Link to report

[Translation: Gustavo Martínez reported, "Constant flow of 50 butterflies per minute flying from north to south, sunny day." Estimated 3000]

Western Population of Monarchs 

Gail Morris notes that the first monarch counts in California are less than a month away. Read more in her article below. 

Day of the Dead Festival Happens November 1st and 2nd

Read more about the meaning of this festival in Estela Romero's article below. 

Keep Reporting to Journey North

Only one more week to receive our Fall 2019 blogs. Make your observations and photos count by submitting your sightings. 


200+ Roost

Piedras Negras, Coahuila de Zaragoza

Western Monarch Population News & News From Monarch Sanctuaries in Mexico