Sara and Eva Report: Telling Crane Tales
March 28, 2008

Dear Journey North,

All but six of the 2007 chicks (now we'll call them juveniles) are headed north! Trackers are on the road too, but it's early to have many details. So this week, Eva and I will share some of our photos and stories about these young birds on the wintering grounds.

  • Scroll down for my photos and captions to learn things you didn't know about crane-kid #709!

Sara Zimorski, Aviculturist, ICF


Dear Journey North,

Since I have been monitoring the older whooping cranes and helping to raise this year's chicks, I can’t help but have some favorites. One of the ultralight-led chicks, one in particular has gotten my attention more than the others. Male #706 is the second oldest bird of the ultralight class of 2007. He is one of the most aggressive towards a costume, but I also like to refer to him as "mommy’s little boy." Click on my story to see why.

Eva Szyszkoski, ICF Tracking Intern

Click for Eva's Story.


Sara Tells Tidibits About #709!
I love this picture of #709 because of the mud on him. It came from another bird’s feet! The birds were fighting and jump-raking and one of the birds clearly contacted #9 and left these muddy streaks behind.

Do you see #709 standing tall and sort of posturing towards the other bird in the picture? He's asserting dominance.

Do you see how the bird on the left has backed down? It's head is down and the bird is moving away, but he’s not happy about it. This bird would still be showing the red patch (if it were older and had one), and the feathers are sort of ruffled a bit with one wing out. So #709 is "Top Crane" here!