of the five have migrated! April
4 was a clear day with winds from the
south. Sure enough, cranes #3-10, 9-10, and 17-10 took
off on their spring migration!
#15 and #16 at Chass on April 7 night
Photo: Eva Szyszkoski
youngsters, 15-10 and 16-10*
are still at the pen site at Chass. These two don't wear
PTTs so Eva is waiting so she can leave with them and track
their progress. When they had not left April 7 by "crane
time" (between 11 and noon Florida time when thermals
heat up), Eva knew she was probably stuck again.
the three groups of chicks on migration right now, PTT’s
put one group in northern Illlinois and two groups in Indiana," reported
Eva on April 7.
Adult #827, who
dropped in on Feb. 21 when his two buddies left on migration,
began migration from the Chass pen site on April 1. He
was heard in Wisconsin, flying towards Necedah NWR on April
6. |
tracking field Manager Eva will
track the last two chicks back to Wisconsin.
April 4: perfect for migrating!
will the remaining two leave? Watch the weather maps and
make your own prediction.
Marks NWR
gone! The
three remaining female crane-kids (5-10, 6-10, and 10-10) took
off on their first journey north at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 3! PTT readings
on April 5 showed that the three St. Marks females had made their first stopover
northeast of Birmingham, AL. Go Girls!
Mark Chenoweth
Migration's Brooke Pennypacker
has seen all five young cranes at St. Marks NWR depart on their
first northward migration.