Do Migrating Bald Eagles Remain Faithful to their Migration Routes from Year to Year?
Comparing Migration Behavior: 2006 and 2009

Thanks to satellite radios that can operate for multiple years, we have learned a great deal about 'fidelity' to critical habitats along the migration routes.

Study the 2 maps below: Spring 2006 and Spring 2009. Although we tracked more eagles in 2006, we have been tracking 3 of the same birds since then. This history gives us a good opportunity to understand the behavior of these birds, and allows us to learn about their critical habitats.

Compare migrations and ranges of U21, U25, and U27 (different color dots each year). What do you notice? Write 2 or 3 sentences to summarize your observations.

Dig Deeper: Visit the Map Archives to study and compare more years.