Migration Update: October 19, 2012
Please Report
Your Sightings!

Week #9: Still Seeing Hummingbirds? Let Us Know!
This week's sightings included our first report of an arrival south of the border, yet hummers are still reported across the land. See what discoveries you can make from observers' comments and fascinating photos.

• Please report if hummingbirds are still present, or• Report the date you saw your last hummingbird.

Do not report if your hummingbirds are gone! The map shows where hummers are present.

Migration Map
Hummingbird fall sightings
Animation | Live Map
Highlights from the Migration Trail

News from South of the Border

On October 12, grade 12 teacher Arnulfo Moreno sent this happy news from Mexico:

"One male and female feeding on San Pedro Tree flowers, Tecoma stans (Familia Bignoniaceae)."  Instituto Tecnologico de Cd. Victoria in City of Victoria, prov of TAM, Mexico.

Find the sighting on the "Adult Male" migration map. How far do you suppose this hummingbird flew?

In Costa Rica, observer Patricia Nethercote is still waiting!

Hummers Across the Land

Hummers are still found in a broad distribution across the land. They were spotted as far north as Washington, Ontario and New Hampshire, and as far south as Mexico. Many reports came from Texas. Although most sightings now include only one or two birds, David in Bay City, Texas reported 20 hummers on Oct. 12!

Stragglers and Surprises

Lancaster, PA: "Two females at the window feeder this morning! It is sunny and 34 degrees. I have never seen them here this late in the year and this cool outside."

Beamsville, ON: Surprise! Hadn't seen a hummingbirds since October 10th...woke up this morning (Oct. 15), looked outside and spotted a single hummingbird... Glad we haven't been hit by frost as yet and there are still blooms for it."

Muncie, Indiana: "After not seeing any Hummers for several days, I had two this evening. They were a welcome sight. I didn't think I'd see them again for many months. Safe travels my plump little friends. I shall miss you."

Andersonville, TN: "Four hummers Oct. 12. Last year they were gone by the 8th."

You can read all of the observations here.

Images of the Week

Hummingbird at blossom
Flower Power
First Rufous Hummingbird spotted in Atco, New Jersey
A First!
Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Staying or Going?
Hummingbirds at feeder
Feeder Guarding
Observer Comments: Make Discoveries
Hummingbird at Feeder Rufous Hummingbird

Hummingbird resting at feeder

Do You Agree?

Hello, Rufous

The Last One?

Help the Observer: Look for Clues

Can you help this observer?

"This little guy has been hanging around our feeder for several days, now," wrote Sue on October 15. "I've never seen one like it before. I think it may be a young, or immature Rufous. But if so, isn't he totally lost?? I'm hoping you can confirm what type it is."

Click on the image for more, and see how you would answer both questions. We'll be back next week!

Hummingbird at feeder
Look for Clues
The next "Still Seeing Hummingbirds?" reminder will be posted on October 26.