Hummingbird Migration: September 4, 2015
By Rita Welch
Report Sightings!
Hummingbird migration is a stop and go journey. As hummers travel south, they must find places to rest and refuel along the way. Is your yard a possible stopover site?

"This time of year our numbers increase significantly. The hummers are consuming about 10 cups of nectar daily plus I have a good supply of flowers for them."
Linda L.  Holly Lake Ranch, TX  08/31/15

Report Your Sightings
Report frequently—but at least once a week—as long as hummingbirds are present.

Migration Map
Hummingbird fall sightings
Report | Map | Animation
Highlights: Right now hummingbirds are...
Hummingbird Migration News: Fall 2015 Hummingbird Migration News: Fall 2015 Hummingbird Migration News: Fall 2015
Stopping to Eat
Amy Evoniuk
Finding Stopover Sites
Cindy S.
Resting and Digesting
Bernice Z.

Journal: Stopover Sites

Take a tour of your neighborhood with the eyes of a migrating hummingbird. Where would you find habitat to stop and refuel? Which places could be transformed into stopover habitats?

Hummingbird Migration Journal
Next Update September 11, 2015