Hummingbird Action!
Observations from the Field
(April 26, 2007)

What did eagle-eyed Journey North observers spot this week? Read some highlights and think about the questions that follow!

Rubythroats: Welcome Back!

Hassan, Minnesota: They're back! Certainly seem to be same nesting pair of the past several years blasting to and from the same nesting site they've used previously. They're not at all shy to get right in my face as if to say, "Where's the nectar?!"

Think! Why do you think the observer thought it might be the same pair that had visited in other years. What do you think about that, and why?

Thornville, Ohio: Last year at this time we had hummingbirds at our window reminding us to put out our feeders. This year we put out our feeder and only yesterday did we see one lonely hummer at it. Maybe he is a scout to tell his friends about our feeder.

Think! Based on what you know about hummingbirds, do you think this hummer will tell his “friends” about the feeder? Why or why not? (If you’re not sure, watch this slide show >>)

Rufous Hummer on the Move

Naches, Washington: A Rufous Hummingbird flew directly to where I had a feeder last year. Seeing me come and no feeder, the bird darted off. It happened so fast that I was unsure if it was male or female, but it was that beautiful reddish-brownish tint color all over its body.

Think! Name one or more physical adaptations that this observer noticed (or might have noticed). Name one or more behavioral adaptations.

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