North News
2013 |
Posted Wednesdays: Feb. 6, 20, 27, Mar. 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, June 5, 12. |
June 5, 2013
Tiny hummingbirds, four inches in length, have arrived at the northernmost boundary of their breeding grounds, about 3,700 miles from Costa Rica!
Photo: John Doerper |
May 29, 2013
New Hampshire snow storm this week set the stage for an ingenious hummingbird shelter.
Photo: Elizabeth Fraser |
May 22, 2013
Almost to the end of their journey, it's about the females and nest building now.
Photo: Laura Erickson |
May 15, 2013
The nest is built, the eggs are laid. Visit a nest and watch as babies hatch and grow.
Photo: Dorothy Edgington |
May 8, 2013
Have your hummingbirds arrived? Are you seeing signs of breeding and nesting behavior?
Photo: Dorothy Edgington |
May 1, 2013
Hummingbirds continue migrating towards their breeding grounds, where nest building will begin.
Photo: Debra Hopkins
April 24, 2013
Despite continued cold temperatures hummingbird migrations continue to push northward with sightings in Alaska and Maine this week.
Photo: Debra Hopkins |
April 17, 2013
Rubythroats holding steady this week as weather continues to slow down their northward migration. There are important things to do when they reach the breeding grounds.
Photo: Russ Thompson |
April 10, 2013
Migration is in full swing! Hummingbirds push northward this week and observers share the exciting details.
Photo: Kaye Seereiter |
April 3, 2013
Darting from flower to flower, hovering near feeders, and migrating long distances, hummingbirds use a lot of energy.
Photo: Joan Garvey |
March 27, 2013
A cold week in the continent's mid-section kept ruby-throated hummingbirds clustered in southern states.
Photo: Diane Rado |
March 20, 2013
Over 85 new sighting reports appeared on the maps this week. Which will be the first to arrive at your feeder—a male or a female?
Photo: Donald Rash |
March 13, 2013
Migrants or winter residents? Look for clues with Louisiana's hummingbird expert. Ask the Expert continues this week.
Photo: Laura Erickson |
March 6, 2013
Excitement abounds as hummingbirds continue to arrive. How do you know you're seeing a new migrant at your feeder? A bird bander tells how. Ask the Expert begins this week.
Photo: Denise Bittle |
February 27, 2013
The first migrating ruby-throated hummingbirds have arrived in Gulf Coast states, slightly ahead of schedule. This week, explore the migration route and think about how prevailing winds affect migration.
Photo: Russ Thompson |
February 20, 2013
Spring is near. Can you identify rufous and ruby-throated hummingbirds? This week build your observation skills and learn how migration data contributes to research.
Photo: Donna Stickrod |
February 6, 2013
Welcome to our 20th season! Explore winter sightings and learn about the 15 species of hummingbirds that are found in U.S. and Canada.
Photo: Robin Zenker |
Seeing Hummingbirds?
Get ready to report your observations this spring as hummingbirds return to your backyard from their wintering grounds. With your help, we'll make a migration map to show where hummingbirds are present from February through June. |
2012 |
Fall 2012 News Archives |