Mystery Class Update: April 6, 2007

Today's Report Includes:

This Week's Sunrise/Sunset Data & Clues 

Here is the tenth set of the sunrise/sunset data --find out which site's times slipped like no other have slipped before!

Also, you'll find the fourth set of clues too.
But the trail of evidence is about to go cold...

"We only have one more set of clues left for you -- do you think you know where we are yet?"

-secret Mystery Class

This Week's

for Monday Apr 2

and Clues >>


Counting Down: Concluding with Clues
In our next report, we'll post the final set of times and clues, along with specific instructions so that you'll know exactly how to prepare and submit your answers for the April 27 deadline. Questions? >>


Sharing Results: Testing Takes Time
Ms. Lynne Towers and her students from Portsmouth, RI, learned that good science takes patience (and listening to your teacher):

"After 2 weeks of trying to balance an egg, my classes were beginning to question my motives! Then success hit, one student after another, and they were amazed! Many had eggs balancing at home for 2 days!"

Credit Ms. Lynne Towers

Click to see more >>

There's still time for you to share a description of your egg balancing experiments. Let us know whether you were able to draw any conclusion "about whether eggs balance any better on the equinox than during the other four weeks of testing?" Why or why not? >>
Links: This Week's Mystery Class Resources
  • Mystery Class Assessment Tool: ideas to help assess your students'
    progress with key concepts from Mystery Class >>

  • When are your answers due? Check the Calendar >>
More Mystery Class Lessons and Teaching Ideas!

The Next Mystery Classs Update Will Be Posted on April 13, 2007.