Mystery Class Update: April 20, 2007

Today's Report Includes:

Have You Solved the Mystery?

"Where in the world do you think the ten Mystery Classes are located?"

We'll reveal the secret locations in just two weeks on May 4.

Entering the Contest? Here's What You Need to Know

If you are entering the Mystery Class contest, be careful not to jeopardize all the hard work you have dedicated to this activity. Follow the instructions in the new Checklist.

Answers must be received
no later than Friday April 27.

Go to Checklist >>

Look What's Coming Next Week

Be sure to come back next week for:

  • Prepare to Celebrate -- festivities for the day when the secret locations are revealed.

  • Astronomical Acknowledgments -- thanks for our astronomy expert.

  • Top Secret Thanks -- for the still secret mystery sites.

Next week also brings the deadline for submitting your answers by no later than Friday April 27.

Try This! How big is Your Footprint?

In Mystery Class, you've traveled the world searching for faraway places, new knowledge and your secret mystery friends. But actually, you and your new friends have been "connected" all along. Whether you live in Zurich, Zagreb, Zwerndorf or somewhere else, the fact is we all share the same global Web of Life.

Sunday April 22 is Earth Day! In honor of the day, take a minute to think about how heavily you tread on Earth! Every day we each have an impact on the planet, or as some call it an "ecological footprint." How does your footprint measure up? Are you living large, with an ecological footprint exceeding the world average? Or do you walk softly and responsibly, leaving a smaller footprint? It's time to find out!

Try This!

How big is your footprint? >>

Join Earth Day events and learn more >>

Current Temps

Links: This Week's Mystery Class Resources
  • Important Dates:

    • April 20-27: Entering the contest? Get the Checklist >>
    • April 27: Deadline for Your Answers! (no exceptions)

  • Mystery Class Assessment Strategies and Tools >> 

  • Have Questions? See Mystery Class FAQ's >>
More Mystery Class Lessons and Teaching Ideas!

The Next Mystery Classs Update Will Be Posted on April 27, 2007.