Important Note for Teachers
about Sunrise/Sunset Data

for Monday, March 9, 2009

1. For the rest of the season, we will give you sunrise/sunset times in two formats, Local Time and Universal Time. Why this change? You will be using Universal Time for next week's Longitude Clues and other clues, so it's time to become familiar with it.

    • Local Time is the time people see on their clocks and follow during their daily lives in each each of the world's 24 time zones. Local time matches the sun's day/night cycle in every time zone.
    • Universal Time is the same time everywhere on Earth, in all of the world's time zones. Universal time gives us a world clock with one world time zone. Universal time matches standard local time in Greenwich, England (UT does not adjust for daylight saving time.)

2. Do students notice the changes in the sunrise/sunset times at MC #5 and #10 since last week? This is due to the change to Daylight Savings Time at these locations. Challenge them to discover this in today's Journal Page Week #6.

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