Final Mystery Class Update: May 10, 2013

Travel the globe and greet your new friends. It's time to meet the Class of 2013!

This Week's Update Includes:

Image of the Week

Meet & Greet: The Class of 2013

Spinning globe showing locations
Mystery Class Introductions on the Globe

Or click on each postcard:

Mystery Class Introductions

Gratitude: A World of Thanks!

A heartfelt thank you to the teachers, students and scientists at all ten Mystery Classes! Everyone did an outstanding job preparing fantastic Clues and Introductions that let us all learn so much about you and your schools, cities and countries.

A World of Thanks
And thanks to Rod Nerdahl, astronomy expert and teacher, for all his careful work again this year compiling the sunrise/sunset data. Rod's work is essential and we value his expertise!
Report: Your Photoperiod

Complete your exploration of sunlight and the seasons by reporting photoperiod for these two remaining dates:

  • June 1
  • June 21 (Summer solstice)


Mystery Class Photoperiod Map
Photoperiod Map
Locations Wanted: Mystery Class 2014  

We're looking for classrooms outside the United States to be Mystery Classes for 2014!


Mystery Class 2014?
Annual Evaluation: Please Share Your Thoughts

Please take a few minutes to complete our Annual Evaluation. With your help, we can document Journey North's reach, impact and value. Thank you!

Annual Evaluation
This is the Final update.
Thank you and have a great summer. See you next year!
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