Continent, Country, City Clues
for April 11, 2014
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Mystery Class #1

"According to legend, our city was visited by five of these animals which carried angels and blessings upon the city. When the angels left, the animals remained in stone as symbols of the city; they are believed to have brought wealth to our city."

(Click image to enlarge.)

Mystery Class #2

"From the monumental vantage point where this structure stands, you can see not only our city, but also our sister city in the adjacent state. Separated from the sister by a mighty river, our city was discovered almost two centuries ago, when explorers marked a famous tree along the river at the banks of our city."

(Click image to enlarge.)

Mystery Class #3

"Just outside our city, the capital, we have a sanctuary for this endangered animal, a species found only in our country. And no, they do not wear lipstick."

(Click image to enlarge.)

Mystery Class #4

"Our city shares its name with our province, and has a great outdoor market. And if you want to see one of the world's most beautiful train stations come to our city!" 

(Click image to access video.)

Mystery Class #5

"Each year, our city has massive festivals in January to celebrate heritage and faith and honor a saint whose statue was presented here almost five centuries ago. The celebrations feature parades and brightly colored costumes, dancing, and music. Our city is the capital of our province."

(Click image to enlarge.)

Mystery Class #6

"Right now there are less than ten of us living here, warm in our latest home complete with a garage underneath. We have so many wild neighbors that it almost seems like there are traffic jams. This video shows how they take coordinated steps as a group, so each one gets a chance in the huddle to stay warm."

(Click image to play video)

Mystery Class #7

"Almost 3.5 centuries ago, our town was called South Bay, and then the English gave us a name with a hook. After that our oysters were a draw, and moved us toward the name we have now. Hungry for more? Hot dogs brought us attention when a famous shop opened its second location here."

Mystery Class #8

"In our city, we have an interactive museum dedicated to our language, and it is one of the most visited places in the continent."


(Click image to enlarge.)

Mystery Class #9

"Until recently, our city was considered the largest in the country by area. It is home to one of the oldest universities in our country, and home to an extremely steep street which is the site of an annual candy roll event to raise money for charity."

(Click image to enlarge.)

Mystery Class #10

"With over one million residents, our city is so large that it is not part of any province but it is a capital city. As you can see in this photo, the city is a mix of old and new, with historic temples standing right next to this tall blue sky tower."

(Click image to enlarge.)

old and new buildings