Continent, Country, City Clues
for MC #7
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March 21, 2014

"The largest fresh water lake in the world, measured by surface area, can be found on our continent."

March 28, 2014

"This carnivore is native to our country. With day length increasing, prey will soon be available for it to attract and digest. Eating 'meat' is an adaptation it developed to obtain nutrients which are lacking in its habitat."

(Click image to enlarge.)

April 4, 2014

"Our state was named after James the second of England, and its nickname is the same as a skyscraper in one of its cities."

(Click image to enlarge.)

April 11, 2014
"Almost 3.5 centuries ago, our town was called South Bay, and then the English gave us a name with a hook. After that our oysters were a draw, and moved us toward the name we have now. Hungry for more? Hot dogs brought us attention when a famous shop opened its second location here."