Continent, Country, City Clues
for MC #1
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March 18, 2016

"Some say our continent is bordered by two oceans, while others say it is bordered by three oceans. It all depends on how far north the 'third' ocean really extends."

March 25, 2016

MC #1 was jumping for joy as they spun this clue for you . . .

"No need to be frightened. This cute and tiny resident of our country is harmless. He's just striking this pose to attract a mate, much like the showy bird for which he is named."

Click image to enlarge.
WCC BY-SA 2.0 JOtto

April 1, 2016

In the old days. . .

"If you had been in our state in the early 1900's, you might have seen this extinct marsupial, a symbol of our state. Need directions to visit our state? From the mainland, all routes to here are strait."

Click image to enlarge.

April 8, 2016

"At our multi-river city, tourists get a peek at this gorge-eous view, which is best seen when suspended on chairs or on a bridge. Our city is one of the oldest in the whole country, but it is neither the state capital nor the largest city in our state."

Click image to enlarge.
CC BY-NC-ND 2.0/SaschaGrant

River view