Continent, Country, City Clues
for April 8, 2019
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Mystery Class #1

"Between the steepness of our photoperiod graph line and the slogans for our city, you'd think you could fall off the World here! But no, our provincial capital city is home to over 50,000 people (plus thousands more cruise ship visitors), and it sits on the north bank of the channel that 'barks'."

Click image to enlarge.
Jerzy Strzelecki / CC BY-SA 3.0

Waterfront view of city
Mystery Class #2

"For six millennia, people from all cultures have gathered here at the river forks, where more people now live than any other city in the province. Millions visit our city to attend festivals like the one named for canoeing traders, or to skate the frozen river trail with amazing warming huts."

Click image to enlarge.
Sarah Braun / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Mystery Class #3

"Have fun on the funicular! Operating for over 100 years, it will carry you up so you can look down on our home, the capital and largest city in the country. From that view, you'll see we're located on both banks of a river that eventually empties into the Caspian sea."

Click image to enlarge.
A.Myxpahob / CC BY-SA 3.0

Mystery Class #4

"Are you in hot water about your search? We are too! That's because traditional indigenous names for our city referred to the hot springs that have been here for centuries. We have a modern name now that is blowing in the wind. And our city is known for having the largest population in the country, and for being the center of national government too."

Mystery Class #5

"We've 'composed' a 'monumental' clue for you. Our city has a popular park and sculpture honoring one of our country's great musical figures. Need directions to the city? We're on the south coast of our country and the north shore of its gulf. Look for the city with more people than any other city in the country!"

Click image to enlarge.
TLiller/CC BY-ND 2.0

Mystery Class #6

"Are you still wrestling with clues? No worries, the final set is here. Does your classroom look anything like this? Probably not, because we're not in a city, we're in a national park. That park is named for a river (not a lake) where animals of every sort gather, especially during the dry season."

Click image to enlarge.
ABerger (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Mystery Class #7

"'Fore!' If you golf in our city, we hope you get a Royal hole-in-one at the famous course, but please don't drive your ball too far, we wouldn't want you to hit our famous Clock Tower (wink, wink -- don't worry, they are not that close to each other.)"


Click image to enlarge.
Alex Europa / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Clock Tower
Mystery Class #8

"Look who's been guarding our clues! Just kidding, but for about 140 years, our city has been the center of our country's government, with important buildings like the Parliament and the Government House. The changing of the guard at the president's home is really something to see!"

Click image to enlarge.
MSuessen/CC BY-SA 3.0

Changing of the Guard
Mystery Class #9

"You're cleared for landing! Most airplanes flying on this continent have needed to be equipped with skis like the ones on this plane, in order to land. But since the early 1990's, airplanes with wheels have been able to land here at our location, because we have a gravel runway that's almost 1,000 meters long."

Click image to enlarge.
Eli Duke / CC BY-SA 2.0

Mystery Class #10

"Our city will soon open a new home for an antique ride and over fifty carved animals. That will be a nice addition to the events and things our city is known for already, like uncommon metals, hot air, a namesake city in New York, and our location where two rivers meet."

Click image to enlarge.
P. Kight/ CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Carved horse