Challenge Question #9: Which Mexican States do Monarchs Probably Cross?

Read Dr. Bill Calvert's description of the pathway the monarchs probably take through Mexico.

Question: List the names of the Mexican states the monarchs probably cross on their way to their winter home near Angangueo, Michoacan (19 N, -100 W). (And explain why we say "probably.")

See map and read description >>

Answer: Mrs. Fiedler's 2nd graders in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania put their geography skills to work and provided this week's answer:

"We looked up a map of Mexicao and tracked the butterflies. We think they will go through Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi, Queretaro, and Guanajuato before finally making it to thier destination of Michoacan!! WOW!!

Keep in mind that we only know the route monarchs "probably" travel. There is still a great deal to learn! Maybe you can follow the monarchs across northern Mexico someday and help collect information.

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