Estela Romero Writes From the Monarch's Winter Home in Mexico
(En Español)
Estela Romero
and daughter Laura Emilia
(2002 photo)


Today's weather in Angangueo, Michoacan, Mexico >>

(19 N, -100 W)

October 10, 2007
Dear Journey North boys and girls:
All in town is quiet up to now. There are no signals of Monarchs approaching our mountains yet, but in a couple of weeks, they should be arriving. I will let you know as soon as we see any.

The weather is very unstable. Today, Wednesday, it is windy, very cloudy and cold. A cold front is coming onto the Central Part of the country. We have some rain too during the afternoons. Our temperatures are ranging 5-10 Centigrade Degrees. This should last a couple of days more.

In my next report, some children will participate with short comments in English about our daily life in Angangueo. I will be teaching English to them, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in the afternoon. Up today, I have 4 children interested in coming to the class. I am very excited, my daughter will attend the class. I will send you a photo of the group in our next report, and they will introduce themselves then.

Apart from this, I should tell you that I heard from the local news two or three days ago, that in a forest area near to the Sanctuaries, (only 20 km from Angangueo) called San Felipe Los Alzati, a significant wood logging is ocurring. News said that natives from the village have threatened local and state authorities with closing roads if they do not act drastically against illegal loggers. This is worrying, because this forest region is somehow connected with the Chivati-Chincua Mountain Chain, where the main Monarchs sanctuaries settle.

Well, I should be in contact to you as soon as we have some news about Monarchs approaching our region.

Many greetings, and until next week.

María Estela Romero
Angangueo, Michoacan, México

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