November 5, 2015
Dear friends,
Just two days after the monarch's first official appearance at the mountains of Angangueo, we could see the arrival truly taking force today.
As I drove up to El Cerrito at 14:00, waves of dozens of monarchs were clearly coming from the northern part of our mountains. They were flying down the valley of the entrance of Angangueo — either going towards El Rosario Sanctuary or further on, towards Zitácuaro-Cerro Pelón Sites. Extremely gentle and warm wind accompanied them under a fantastic deep, blue sky.
A group of children (from one of the most enthusiastic schools where symbolic monarchs are delivered) recognized me and ran to me shouting: "Monarchs are here Estela!”
So, friends the arrival seems to be formalizing as hours pass by. It is now all a matter of giving them time and privacy to start forming their colonies at the Sanctuaries, from where I hope I can send some images within some days that access is allowed.
Let's raise our glasses to toast the arrival of this healthy, strong generation of monarchs of the 2015-2016 winter season.
Estela Romero
Angangueo, Michoacán, México