Hats Off to Citizen Science
People across North America are telling the story of monarch migration. What details do careful observations reveal, and what questions do they raise?
On a Boat
The Wilson family discovered themselves in the midst of
the migration on Tuesday.
"Our family is on a boat trip and currently traveling down Lake Michigan. Unexpectedly, we saw several monarchs early today and then started paying more attention. We counted 158 in 2 hours. They would flap like crazy with all their might, and then would glide for a bit." Read more...
When, where, and how did the monarchs get themselves into such a precarious situation?
From Shore
Edward Yandek watched in amazement as a parade of 1,000+ monarchs passed on September 16th.
"Starting at about 5:30 pm, we were sitting outside facing Lake Erie. Suddenly we saw wave after wave of monarchs coming along the lakeshore heading westward. This continued for at least an hour. There were successive waves." Read more...
Where did the butterflies come from and why were they so concentrated?
In the Backyard
Monarchs are scarce in the east this year, so this sighting from Massachusetts is remarkable:
"There were 100s of monarchs feeding on red clover on field behind our house this afternoon. I've lived here 30 years and never seen migration before!" Read more...
Why were the butterflies attracted to this clover field rather than the surrounding habitat?
At School
Many monarchs are heading to Mexico thanks to the work and care of students across the U.S. and Canada. Schools are creating butterfly habitat and raising monarchs.
"We were thrilled to see a monarch at Brookwood Elementary today!"
"My students are sharing the experience of the migration and the importance of stewardship."