Migration Update: March 2, 2007
Please Report
Winter Sightings! >>

Today's Report Includes:

  • Exploring the Monarch's Winter Home in Mexico >>
    • Right Now... Preparing to Recolonize North America! >>
    • Who's Been Eating the Monarchs? >>
  • Journal Question: How About That Milkweed?! >>
  • Links: Monarch Butterfly Resources to Explore >>

Who's Been Eating the Monarchs?
Photo: Dr. Lincoln Brower

Exploring the Monarch's Winter Home in Mexico

Why do Monarchs fly to Mexico from across the continent?
How do they survive the winter in Mexico? And how do they know when to leave in the spring? Each week we're exploring a new piece of the puzzle.

Monarchs in March

"When the monarchs are fully warmed up and are ever so slightly disturbed they literally 'explode' in all directions out into the sky."
Mr. Don Davis

What a Sight! >>

Right Now...Monarchs Are Preparing to Recolonize North America!

It's March! The days are getting longer and temperatures are rising in the monarch colonies in Mexico. "Within the month—a relatively short time—the butterflies will vacate their winter haunt and begin the recolonization of North America. An ambitious project, to be certain," says Dr. Bill Calvert. Meanwhile in Texas, observers have been watching for milkweed to push up from the soil. The first was seen this week. What timing! We expect Texans to report the first monarchs from Mexico any day. Get ready to track the spring migration! >>

Who's Been Eating the Monarchs? Monarchs & Predators >> 

The monarchs that are about to migrate north are survivors. They have survived without eatingand without being eaten! Did you know that monarchs have enemies at their winter home in Mexico? Let's meet them and find out how monarchs avoid them.

Slideshow >>

Who's Been Eating the Monarchs?

Journal Question: How About That Milkweed?!

This picture was taken in the late summer. The monarch caterpillar was eating milkweed. It was preparing to spend the winter in Mexico.
  • Can you think of two ways that eating milkweed helps a monarch get ready to survive the winter in Mexico?
Handout >>
Links: Monarch Butterfly Resources to Explore
  • Journey North for Kids: A student-directed entry point to Journey North >>
  • Observation Activity: Who Ate the Monarchs? Each Predator Leaves its Clues >>
  • Observation Activity: How Are These Monarchs Avoiding Predators? >>
  • Lesson: Get Ready for Spring Migration >>
  • Ongoing Lesson: Predicting the Route of the Monarch's Spring Migration >>
  • Orientation: About Our Live Maps >>
More Monarch Lessons and Teaching Ideas!

The Next Monarch Migration Update Will Be Posted on March 9, 2007.