It's peak season in Mexico now. As temperatures rise, the butterflies break out of their clusters and fill the air.
Art Howard, ArtWorks
News: A Critical Time is Passing
It's mid-February now and temperatures at the overwintering sites are starting to rise. Monarchs have survived the coldest part of the winter season.
"The really critical time for the monarchs is January and early February," says Dr. Lincoln Brower. "During that time, severe storms can be lethal when the butterflies are wetted by the storm and then subjected to freezing temperatures."
Conditions have been favorable this winter. Massive mortality from a severe winter storm has not occurred.
Peak Tourist Season
With rising temperatures the butterflies break out of their tight colonies during the day and fill the air.
The next 6 weeks are the best time to see the spectacle.
People in the region depend heavily on ecotourism during the brief peak season as Estela Romero describes.
"The whole atmosphere in communities surrounding the Sanctuaries is of joy and smiles in people's faces. We all rush around, just as Monarchs do when the sun shines for them. This is indeed the best time of the year for most families in our region!" More...
What temperatures do overwintering monarchs need to survive? Explore the risk and benefits of the cold winter temperatures in Mexico's monarch sanctuaries.