Monarch Migration News: April 7, 2016
By Elizabeth Howard

Survivors of the storm are now arriving in Texas, having traveled some 700 miles on worn and broken wings.

Monarch Butterflies
This is what resilience looks like!

News: Numbers Building in Texas
The migration's leading edge advanced very little this week due to cold northern temperatures. Meanwhile, Texas saw numbers build as butterflies continued to move up from central Mexico.

"The frequency of monarchs passing through has increased over the last few days. We have been seeing 3-4 faded monarchs a day, mostly female. Most wings show wear and significant damage but the butterflies still seem to fly well. It really tugs at the heart knowing all that they have endured this year," said Chuck Patterson of Driftwood, Texas on April 2nd.

Comparing Years
This spring's migration is lagging a bit behind those of previous years. However, having the population concentrated in warm southern regions at this time can be a good thing:

  • The eggs, larvae, and adult monarchs are safer from cold and freezing temperatures.
  • The next generation can complete the life cycle more quickly where temperatures are warm.

Sanctuaries Empty
Estela reports that the last monarchs have left.

"The final leave occurred very clearly between Friday and Sunday (April 1-3). The forest is now deserted.  Only 48 hours earlier, monarchs were flying here and there. Now, nothing.

"Last week, I was honored to join the scientific team who came to collect mortality data from the devastating March storm."

Monarch Butterfly Migration Maps: Compare Years
Comparing Years
Monarch Butterfly Migration Maps: Compare Years
Timing and Temperature
Collecting Mortality Data
What to Report
Report Your Sightings
Monarch butterfly migration map Map of milkweed emergence: Spring 2016 Monarch butterfly migration map
First Adult
report | map | list
report | map | list
Monarch butterfly migration map Monarch butterfly migration map

After first sightings, continue to report all monarchs — adults, eggs, and larvae.

Monarch butterfly migration map

First Egg
report | map | list
First Larva
report | map | list

Next Update April 14, 2016