Migration: A Few Highlights
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Edmonton, AB: “I
saw 3 robins sitting in a tree on the grounds of the University of Alberta." More >>
Zorra Township, ON: "The first Robin of the season
came to the crab apple to-day. Time of day was 9:00 (a.m.) Weather
was cloudy with snow flurries , temp - 5 C and winds were gusting to
40 kms /hr from the west and
perhaps a bit south of west but not so far south as SW. The location
of the tree is south of a white Spruce hedge row so partially sheltered
from the winds." More >>
NS: “It's the end of February and I just saw a big fat
Bouncing around in the woods. It has been an unusually mild winter
in Nova Scotia and this guy seems to be a month early, if not a month
and a half. This year, a number or Blue Jays on the property never
even migrated." More >>
IL: Heard a robin in the morning, was very concerned
because of the storm reported coming for the weekend. Also very
excited, gives one hope spring is really coming to hear that wonderful
"cheer up cheer up!" >>
New Hampton, NY: "...did hear a territorial
song this morning about 2 miles away on a walking path that goes around a
protected wetlands area. Everything is still snow covered here, but warmer
temps and predicted rain may help that; put some mealworms out, but the starlings
got most of them...will keep trying. The robin did eat some suet this morning.
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of Robins
Centerville, IA: There
were about 10 or 12 robins, flying into my yard, landing
in one of my barberry bushes. They did not
seemed to
be on a mission...It was snowing and the wind was blowing
snow. More >>
Omaha, NE: On
Thursday, March 1, with snow accumlations of more than a
foot and wind gusts up to 30 mph, I looked out my window,
and there
I saw a lone robin in my Forsythia bush! The next
day, at work, I counted more than a dozen robins in a flock,
eating berries
on a crabapple-like tree. NE More >>
Other Robin
Observations Ormond
Beach, FL: Ninety percent of the robins have moved out of
my area since yesterday. We had a cold front come in with wind and
rain preceding
along with a full moon. Whether they have simply moved elsewhere
or actually gone north I can not be certain. More >>